Yuki Fujimoto
More by Yuki Fujimoto
Easy as ABC
Easy as ABC5.0
Easy as ABC is a one of logic puzzle games. The rule is simple, but it is tough puzzle. Fill in the first letters of the alphabet on every row and every column exactly once. Some squares remain empty. Along the boundaries of the diagram clues are given about which letter you come across first from
Akari Puzzle
Akari Puzzle5.0
Akari puzzle is a kind of pencil puzzle where all cells are lit-up by placing lightbulbs and no lightbulbs shine on each other. Rule is very simple. 1. Lightbulbs shine every cell vertically and horizontally until they reach a black cell or the boundary. 2. Numbers in some black cells denote the nu
Joint Number Place
Joint Number Place5.0
This is a deep number place has joint. The rule is simple. [1] You must put a adjacent number in jointed tiles. [2] You cannot duplicate a number on the same color tiles. [3] You cannotduplicate a number on each vertical/horizontal line. That's all! You can play offline. Let's have a fun!
Sukoro is a one of pencil puzzle. The player fill in the blank cell with suitable symbol in accordance with the following rules. 1. A number denotes how many of it's orthogonal neighboring cells are also number cells. 2. Same numbers must not be orthogonally adjacent. 3. All numbers must form a sin
Who is a liar?
Who is a liar?5.0
"Who is a liar?" is puzzle game. The grid is divided into variously sized rectangular "rooms" by orange lines following the edges of the cells. The object of the puzzle is to determine for each cell if it must be painted black or white. The following rules determine which cells are which: Rule 1: B
Gokigen Naname
Gokigen Naname5.0
This is a puzzle game which you put oblique lines on the all cells. The rule is simple! [1] Numbers mean how many lines connect the point from around four cells. [2] You must only one oblique line in each cell. [3] Don’t make rooms by oblique lines. There are many stages from easily small one to c
Kuromasu puzzle
Kuromasu puzzle5.0
Kuromasu puzzle is played on a rectangular grid. Some of these cells have numbers in them. Each cell may be either black or white. The object is to determine what type each cell is. The following rules determine which cells are which: Each number on the board represents the number of white cells
Thoroughly CrossWord
Thoroughly CrossWord5.0
This is a CrossWord game which you fill English words from Japanese descriptions. There are more than 35000 words! Let's enjoy word puzzle!
Wall Logic
Wall Logic5.0
Wall logic is one of a pencil puzzle. It's minor puzzle, but fun! The manual is implemented in this app. Please try it.
Thoroughly MiniSquare
Thoroughly MiniSquare5.0
Thoroughly Square is puzzle game. Find rectangle, and you can remove the all blocks in the found rectangle. Find square, and you can remove the all blocks which is same color. Get high score in 1 minutes.
Shakashaka is one of popular logical puzzle game. The objective is to fill the white squares in a given grid with a pattern of triangles such that each white area in the resulting grid has a rectangular shape. Furthermore, each black square in the grid marked with a number must be orthogonally adja
Number Pointers
Number Pointers5.0
Number pointers is a one of minor pencil puzzle game. I think that this game is the most difficult in pencil puzzle. Please challenge it.
Thoroughly Card Tile Solitaire
Thoroughly Card Tile Solitaire5.0
It is the simple puzzle game using the tile of the cards pattern! You find and delete pairs of the same color and the same number! However, you cannot delete a tile which have other tiles both right and left or have other tiles on it. Though this game sounds like easy, it is profound in fact. Let’
Ripple Effect
Ripple Effect5.0
Ripple Effect is popular logic puzzle game in Japan. The solver must place one positive integer into each cell of the grid according to these rules: Every room must contain the consecutive integers from 1 to the quantity of cells in that room inclusive. If two identical numbers appear in the same ro
Genuine Minesweeper
Genuine Minesweeper5.0
Do you know minesweeper? It is a puzzle game the all mankind are hooked on once upon a time. In modern time, it is still widely used. However, I have a bone to pick with it. In the minesweeper, there is a situation which the only luck resolve the puzzle. I made "Unopenable Minesweeper" for this rea
Hitori is one of the puzzle game. The rule is simple. Hitori is played with a grid of squares or cells, and each cell contains a number. The objective is to eliminate numbers by filling in the squares such that remaining cells do not contain numbers that appear more than once in either a given row
Thoroughly Beijing (Mahjong Puzzle)
Thoroughly Beijing (Mahjong Puzzle)4.8
Thoroughly Beijing is a puzzle game using Mahjong tiles. It's very simple game, so please play once. Please refers to manual in app for the detail.
Yajisan-Kazusan is logical puzzle game. The object is to shade in some of the grid squares. No two shaded squares should be adjacent, and all of the unshaded squares should be in one contiguous region – equivalently, any two unshaded squares should have a path joining them through adjacent unshade
Kurotto is binary determination puzzle game. It's very popular in Japan. Fill in the cells with the following rules. ・The number in a circle indicates the sum of the number of continuous black cells extending from it, vertically and horizontally. Empty circles may have any number of black cells aro
Bag puzzle
Bag puzzle4.0
Bag puzzle is logic puzzle game. The object is to draw a single, continuous loop along the lines of the grid, which contains all the numbers on the grid. Additionally, each number denotes the sum of all cells visible in any orthogonal direction before line of the loop is reached. For example, a 2
Bridges (Logic puzzle)
Bridges (Logic puzzle)4.0
"Bridges" is one of pencil puzzle game. The goal is to connect all of the islands into a single connected group by drawing a series of bridges between the islands. The bridges must follow certain criteria. ・They must begin and end at distinct islands, travelling a straight line in between. ・They mu
Mahjong Tile Solitaire
Mahjong Tile Solitaire4.0
Mahjong solitaire is a puzzle game you pick up mahjong tile. It is very simple and deep game.
Thoroughly Honkong (Mahjong Puzzle)
Thoroughly Honkong (Mahjong Puzzle)4.0
Hongkong is simple puzzle game. You can play alone. You can play in group too. Please refer to the manual in app for the detail.
Thoroughly Freecell
Thoroughly Freecell4.0
Simple free cell game! You can play free cell thoroughly.
Thoroughly MineSweeper
Thoroughly MineSweeper4.0
Do you know MineSweeper? in the latter part of the 20th century, the people played this game on and on for a long time. Thoroughly MineSweeper is the advanced MineSweeper. The game design lets the player play more long time. The interface is optimized for touch panel interface. Even if you don't k
An alphametic puzzle (also sometimes known as a cryptarithm) is a type of puzzle where words are put together into an arithmetic formula such that digits can be substituted for the letters to make the formula true. In this app, there are more than 1,000,000 stages. You can play this app in a lifeti
Building Puzzle
Building Puzzle3.4
Building puzzle is one of a pencil puzzle. Don't you know the rule? All right. there is a manual in the app. In this app, there are more than 10000 stages of building puzzles. Of course, you can play the all stages in free!
LITS is puzzle game. The goal is to shade in a tetromino within each pre-printed polyomino in such a way that no two matching tetrominoes are orthogonally adjacent (with rotations and reflections counting as matching). They are all orthogonally contiguous and contain no 2×2 square tetrominoes as sub
Heyawake is played on a rectangular grid of cells with no standard size. The grid is divided into variously sized rectangular "rooms" by bold lines following the edges of the cells. Some rooms may contain a single number, typically printed in their upper-left cell. Some of the cells in the puzzle ar
Norinori is puzzle game. Rule is very simple. ・Place blocks in twos in consecutive black squares. ・Each area surrounded by bold lines must contain two black squares. By only these rules, the all block can be filled in. This is the art! Please try it.
This is a deep number place which has large/small relation. The rule is very simple. [1] You must put numbers as inequality between boxes [2] You cannot duplicate a number on each vertical/horizontal line That's all, but you must use your brains. There're some questions which don't have any numbe
Masyu puzzle
Masyu puzzle2.0
Masyu is popular puzzle game in Japan. Masyu is played on a rectangular grid of squares, some of which contain circles; each circle is either "white" (empty) or "black" (filled). The goal is to draw a single continuous non-intersecting loop that properly passes through all circled cells. The loop m
Suriza is traditional puzzle game. This apps has more than 10000 stages! Of course, the all stages are free. Suriza is played on a rectangular lattice of dots. Some of the squares formed by the dots have numbers inside them. The objective is to connect horizontally and vertically adjacent dots so t
Thoroughly Sichuan
Thoroughly Sichuan1.0
Sichuan is a famous solitaire game using mahjong tiles. Even if you don't know the rule, don't mind. App has kind manual.
Unopenable Minesweeper
Unopenable Minesweeper-
In minesweeper, did you meet the situation that only your luck solves the puzzle?<br>Unopenable Minesweeper never tests your luck!<br><br>The developper of this app loves minesweeper, but he also hates some points of minesweeper.<br>Use of the player's luck is the one of these points.<br>Removing th
Thoroughly Cross Puzzle
Thoroughly Cross Puzzle-
Cross puzzle is a simple puzzle game.<br>Erase the all light block as soon as possible.
Four Leaf Clover
Four Leaf Clover-
Four Leaf Clover is a kind of solitaire. It is Japanese traditional card game. Please refer to manual in app for the detail.
Polyomino is simple puzzle game. Puzzle ask for tiling a given region with a given set of polyominoes. This app has many stages. The all stages are completely free.
Thoroughly Couple
Thoroughly Couple-
The simple solitaire card game.<br>It takes 2-3 minuets per a game.
Thoroughly Number Place
Thoroughly Number Place-
Number Place, is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. <br>The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid (also called "boxes", "blocks", "regions", or "sub-squares") contains all of the digits f
脱出ゲーム 〜風呂場からの脱出〜
脱出ゲーム 〜風呂場からの脱出〜-
本アプリは、オーソドックスな脱出ゲームです。 脱出ゲーム。ご存知ですよね? 「何故2Fにある校長室に地下への隠し扉があるんだろう」などのツッコミ不要のあれです。 金庫の暗証番号が、冷蔵庫に貼られた献立表と連動してたりする、(防犯)意識低い系のあれです。 本アプリの舞台は風呂場です。 浴室の各所に散りばめられた謎を解き、 見事風呂場からの脱出を達成して下さい。
TWOCATSが送る脱出ゲーム第2弾、洗面所からの脱出。 かなりオーソドックスな脱出ゲームです。 最近の脱出ゲームはグローバル展開を意識しているのか、一切文字情報がないアプリが多いですよね。 そんな中、本アプリは日本の方のみをターゲットに絞り、 ガンガン日本語でメッセージが出て、今何が起こっているのかを説明してくれる仕様です。 グローバル展開されているアプリに比べて、大体市場が人口比1/60くらいになっている計算ですので、 多分該当する層には60倍くらい面白いんじゃないかと思います(ニッチの法則)。 なお、特に前作との関係はございません。 まぁ、同じ人間が作成しておりますので、 どちらかが
TWOCATSが送る脱出ゲーム第3弾。とある作家の脱出。 いつも通り、オーソドックスな脱出ゲームです。 とはいえ、最近の脱出ゲームの主流は3Dでぐりぐり動くタイプのようです。 2Dで全てを表現し、プレイヤーの意思とは無関係に主人公が喧しく日本語を口にするタイプは段々希少価値が上がってきているかもしれません。 そんな古き良きタイプの脱出ゲームです。 相変わらず、前作、前々作との関連はありません。 とはいえ、前作、前々作と同じ人間が作っておりますので、 多分どの作品からも、共通の香りが感じられる箇所が存在するのではないかと思います。 龍退治やら、最後の幻想やらを謳っている名作ロールプレイングみ
『海外で脱出シリーズ』の記念すべき最初の舞台はラスベガス! ラスベガスといえば、何と言ってもカジノ! とある有名カジノホテルに閉じ込められてしまったあなた。 ホテル内を探索し、道具や知恵を使って脱出しましょう! ラスベガスのプチ情報が盛り込まれた、海外旅行気分も味わえるちょっと新しい脱出ゲームです! すでに行ったことがある方は、ぜひ思い出しながらお楽しみください。
用法用量: 1日2錠。複数人でワイワイと楽しむ。 効能効果: 問題が解けない場合 イライラを共有することで、友愛の促進を図る。 問題が解けた場合  解答者の捻くれた精神構造を把握することで、今後の付き合いを見直す。 注意: 1. 次の人は服用前に周囲に相談してください。 ・空が青いのにイライラして、携帯を投げつけたことがある人 ・ポストが赤いのが許せず、アレルギー症状を起こしたことがある人 2. 服用に際しては説明文をよく読んでください。 3. 小児の届かない所に保管してください。
Thoroughly Pyramid
Thoroughly Pyramid-
Pyramid is a kind of solitaire game.<br><br>Please refer to the manual in app for the detail.
Sumline is a kind of pencil puzzle like Sudoku.<br>In the simple rule, put a number in the board.
twocatsがお送りする「海外で脱出シリーズ」第2弾! 今回の舞台は、マーライオンでおなじみ、シンガポールのマリーナベイです。 マリーナベイに浮かぶ観光船に閉じ込められてしまったあなた。 船の中だけでなく、周りの景色も使って、脱出しましょう! シンガポールは様々な文化が混ざった国。 見所も多いので、プチ情報から意外と知らない一面が見つかるはず! すでに行ったことがある方は、思い出しながらお楽しみください!
Herugolf is puzzle game. The rule is simple. 1. Advance the golf balls to the holes using a series of strokes. 2. The number in a ball indicates the length of the first stroke; any subsequent stroke must be 1 less in length than the preceding stroke. 3. A stroke moves the ball horizontally or verti
Thoroughly Baroness
Thoroughly Baroness-
Baroness is the one of the solitaire game.<br>This game will take your time in very simple rule.<br><br>Please refer to the manual in app for the detail.
Thoroughly FireWorks
Thoroughly FireWorks-
Thoroughly FireWorks is a puzzle game.<br>Simple operation makes big chains.<br><br>Please refer to manual in app for the detail.
Nurikabe puzzle
Nurikabe puzzle-
Nurikabe is a binary determination puzzle.<br><br>The challenge is to paint each cell black or white, subject to the following rules:<br> Each numbered cell is a wall cell, the number in it is the number of cells in that wall.<br> Each wall must contain exactly one numbered cell.<br> There must be o
Thoroughly Chainshot
Thoroughly Chainshot-
Chainshot is the simple puzzle game.<br>This game is very popular in Japan, and called "Samegame".
Kin-Kon-Kan is one of pencil puzzle game. The rule is simple. ・Place mirrors in cells such that each room contains exactly one mirror. ・Letter-number pairs at the edges of the grid can be connected by straight lines that bounce of the same number of mirrors as the number in the letter-number pair.
Thoroughly Pelmanism
Thoroughly Pelmanism-
Pelmanism is one of the most simple card game. (It often be called concentration). The multiplication of Pelmanism and iPhone make this game! Please try it once! You can play in about 1min.
Thoroughly Betsy Ross
Thoroughly Betsy Ross-
Thoroughly Betsy Ross is a kind of solitaire game.<br><br>Do you know Betsy Ross?<br>She is the person who made the Star‐Spangled Banner.<br>This motif of this game is her.<br><br>There is a manual in the app.<br>Please enjoy it.
Thoroughly Fish Catch
Thoroughly Fish Catch-
Thoroughly Fish Catch is Tetris type game.<br>This game is optimized for brain training.<br><br>Please refer to the manual in app for the detail.
Thoroughly solitaire
Thoroughly solitaire-
Simple solitaire (Klondike) game! <br>You can play solitaire thoroughly.
和同開珎 -熟語クイズ-
和同開珎 -熟語クイズ--
上下左右の漢字と二字熟語を4つ作れるように、中央の□に漢字を入れましょう! 使い慣れているはずの単語なのに、意外と出てこなかったりして、脳トレにもってこいのゲームです。 もし知らない単語が出てきても大丈夫! ヒント機能がありますし、正解後に単語の意味が表示されますよ! オフラインでもプレイできます!
This is a link game. Let's connect the same number by a line without crossing. The game will be clear when you connect all numbers. It looks easy, but the rule of no crossing makes game difficult. Let's play and enjoy!

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